Språket I Fare!

Norsk språk i fare: Sosiale mediers påvirkning

Det norske språket har definitivt opplevd en forringelse i sin skriftlige form etter fremveksten av internettet og da spesielt sosiale medier. Dette har vært et stadig økende problem i de senere år, og flere årsaker kan identifiseres.

Svikter det norske utdanningssystemet?

En av hovedårsakene er det sviktende utdanningssystemet som ikke lenger stiller krav til barn og ungdom når det kommer til å mestre det norske språket. Det virker som om mange ungdommer ikke lenger har de nødvendige grunnleggende ferdighetene når det kommer til å uttrykke seg skriftlig på norsk. I stedet ser vi stadig flere eksempler på dårlig grammatikk, stavefeil og manglende evne til å formulere seg klart og presist.

Politikere og språket: Er det et problem?

Politikerne er også skyldige i denne utviklingen. I stedet for å fokusere på å ivareta samfunnet og fremme et høyt nivå av norsk skriftlig kommunikasjon, ser vi stadig flere eksempler på politikere som er mer opptatt av sin egen makt og prestisje. Dette fører til en neglisjering av språket og den norske kulturarv.

Wokisme-ideologiens innvirkning på norsk språk og kultur

En annen faktor som bidrar til forringelsen av det norske språket er den stadig økende wokisme-ideologien som skyller over landet vårt. Dette fenomenet har blitt en farlig og nedbrytende kraft i samfunnet og fører til en økende polarisering og en nedvurdering av det norske språket og kulturen. Dette kan føre til en svekkelse av den norske kultur og en forverring av vårt felles språk.

Knut Hamsuns perspektiv på det norske språket i dag

Knut Hamsun, en av Norges mest kjente forfattere og ordkunstnere, uttalte seg i 1905 i boken “Sproget i fare” om det norske språkets utvikling og tilstand på den tiden. Det var en tid hvor han mente at det norske språket var i fare på grunn av en sterk påvirkning fra dansk og tysk. Det kan virke som om Hamsuns bekymringer om det norske språket fortsatt er aktuelle i dag. Det er på tide at vi tar tak i denne utfordringen og begynner å fokusere på å bevare og styrke vårt eget språk.

Hvordan kan vi bevare og styrke norsk språk?

I dagens samfunn er det vanskelig å unngå internett og sosiale medier. Men vi kan gjøre en innsats for å ivareta det norske språket ved å fokusere på å øke vårt eget kunnskapsnivå og bevissthet om språket. Vi kan også begynne å stille krav til oss selv og andre når det kommer til å bruke korrekt norsk i skriftlig kommunikasjon. Dette kan bidra til å sikre at det norske språket fortsatt er levende og blomstrende i årene som kommer.

Så, la oss stå sammen for å bevare og styrke vårt felles språk!

Why Do Metal Heads Hate The G Chord?

Bias Against The G Chord

The G power chord is one of the most basic and versatile chords in music. It’s made up of just two notes – the root note G and the fifth note D – and it’s a staple of many different genres, including rock, pop, and blues. Despite its simplicity and flexibility, however, the G power chord is surprisingly under-used in the heavy metal genre. This is a shame, because heavy metal music could be so much better if guitar players only learned to use the G chord more.

Speed Freaks vs Foundational Skills

One reason why the G power chord is under-used in heavy metal is that guitar players often focus too much on technical proficiency and speed. They become obsessed with playing as fast and as accurately as possible, which often leads them to neglect the basic building blocks of music. The G power chord is a perfect example of this – it’s a simple chord that doesn’t require a lot of technical skill to play, but it’s essential for creating a strong foundation for heavy metal music.

Variety Is The Spice Of Everything Nice

Another reason why the G power chord is under-used in heavy metal is that guitar players tend to rely too heavily on the standard power chord shape, which is based on the E and A strings. This shape is great for creating a heavy, distorted sound, but it can also be limiting. By expanding their repertoire to include the G power chord, guitar players can add more variety and nuance to their music. The G power chord can be played on the low E string or the A string, but it can also be played on the D string or the G string, which opens up a whole new range of sonic possibilities.

G Stands For Heavy Metal Bedrock

So what would heavy metal music sound like if guitar players put aside their bias against the G power chord more? Well, it would be heavier, for one thing. The G power chord has a deep, rumbling quality that can really shake the walls. It’s also more dynamic – by using the G power chord in different positions on the fretboard, guitar players can create a wider range of tonal colors and textures. And perhaps most importantly, it would give heavy metal music a more solid foundation. The G power chord is like the bedrock of heavy metal – without it, the music can feel unanchored and unstable.

Send Good Old G Some Freakin’ Love!

In conclusion, the G power chord is an under-appreciated gem in the heavy metal genre. Guitar players should take the time to explore its many variations and possibilities, and incorporate it more into their playing. By doing so, they can create heavier, more dynamic, and more solid music that will stand the test of time. So go ahead – pick up your guitar and start playing those G power chords. Your music (and your fans) will thank you for it!

Something I Read On The Internet

NATO’s policy of expansion in the East over decades in the face of explicit Russian protests and warnings of potentially dire consequences, eventually drove international tensions up to the point where a Russian military intervention inside Ukraine’s borders was unavoidable.

If you’re going to blame Putin, then you must also blame NATO and its Sec. Gen. Herr Stoltenberg; the UK and its then-PM Mr BJ; the EU and its Madame Ursula; the USA and its varying presidents including Obama and Biden; plus all the non-governmental actors of the World Economic Forum, such as Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, George Soros et.al., as well as the multitude of bought-and-paid-for Main Stream Media talking (but not thinking) heads (including those of state-owned Norwegian propaganda outlet NRK).

Lars vs Rob?

Choosing a name for a child is an important decision for parents, and it’s a choice that will stick with the child for the rest of their life. While there are many great names to choose from, there are some that stand out from the crowd. In this blog post, we’ll explore 10 reasons why Lars is a better name than Rob.

  1. Lars is unique: While Rob is a common name, Lars is not as commonly used, making it a unique and interesting choice for a child’s name. This can make a child feel special and stand out in a positive way.
  2. Lars is easier to pronounce: Rob can be pronounced in multiple ways, including “Rob” and “Robb”. On the other hand, Lars is typically pronounced the same way, making it easier for others to pronounce and remember.
  3. Lars has a Scandinavian origin: Lars is a name that has Scandinavian roots, which can give it a cultural significance for families with Scandinavian heritage or those who appreciate the Scandinavian culture.
  4. Lars has a strong meaning: Lars means “victorious” in its Scandinavian origin. This can be a meaningful name for parents who want their child to have a name that reflects strength and resilience.
  5. Lars is a cool name: Let’s face it, Lars is a pretty cool name. It has a certain edginess and uniqueness that can make it stand out and be memorable.
  6. Lars is a musician’s name: There are many musicians named Lars, including Lars Ulrich from Metallica and Lars Frederiksen from Rancid. This can make it a cool choice for parents who are music lovers.
  7. Lars is a literary name: Lars is also a name that has appeared in literature, such as in the novel “Lars the Polar Bear” by Hans de Beer. This can give the name a literary and intellectual flair.
  8. Lars is a modern name: While Rob is a classic name, Lars is a more modern choice. This can make it appealing for parents who want a name that feels fresh and contemporary.
  9. Lars is a versatile name: Lars can be paired with a variety of middle names and surnames, making it a versatile choice for parents who want to get creative with their child’s name.
  10. Lars is a name that ages well: Lars is a name that can work well for a child, a teenager, and an adult. It’s a timeless choice that can grow with the child throughout their life.

In conclusion, while Rob is a great name, there are many reasons why Lars is a better choice for parents looking for a unique, strong, cool, and versatile name for their child.

Joe Rogan and Ronnie Coleman are full of shit!

I can’t prove it, but something’s on fire and I’m pretty sure it’s Ronnie’s pants. While I’m not a Ronnie Coleman-type success story (obviously, and mainly, but not entirely, because of genetics; that part is true), I have been around gyms and the bodybuilding milieu longer than Ronnie has, and been part of, and observed, the “steroid scene” since the late 70s.

There’s an insane difference between what people took in the late 70s/early 80s and business-as-usual in the twenty-aughts. I’m pretty sure what Arnold took in an entire twelve-week prep to a Mr O was equal to or less than what Ronnie or any equivalent mass monster of his caliber/era coasted on on a weekly basis during downtime. Hell, late teens and twenty-somethings today with no ambition other than to impress girls and get laid are out-drugging the Champs of the Golden Era (defined as the time before the ascension of Dorian Yates). I also agree with the guy who commented that the best part was Joe feigning ignorance on the subject.

That said, I admire Ronnie Coleman and think he’s a legend of bodybuilding, but don’t be fooled; “Just the basic stuff, some test and d-ball” and quitting cold turkey between shows is BS. And by that I mean BULL. FUCKING. SHIT!

Requiem For America – I Just Cast My Vote For Donald Trump

I voted for Obama twice. I backed Bernie in the primaries. I ended up voting for Trump. The only way I would have voted for Hillary is if Ted Cruz were the Republican nominee. I don’t particularly like Trump as a person, but I didn’t hold my nose when I voted for him. You would expect a business man of his caliber to exploit all the (perfectly legal) loopholes in the tax laws. You would expect him to be brash and aggressive. I give zero fucks about the pussy grabbing comments. All men have at one time or another uttered similar remarks in the company of other men, myself included. It’s a dick measuring contest. It’s in our genes. We’re animals.

Hillary brags about her life in politics and public service. You would not expect her to be a rape apologist for her husband. You would not expect her to cheat to crush Bernie. You would not expect her to have a private email server as Secretary of State specifically to hide her communications. You would not expect her to solicit money from Saudi Arabia and claim to be a feminist. You would not expect her to lie and give paid speeches to Big Finance saying the diametrically opposite of what she says in public. I’m sick to the stomach of the regressive turn the Left has taken over the past four years.

I don’t like Trump, but I think Hillary is a Machiavellian reptile. Bernie would have had a much better shot at beating Trump, but the establishment conspired to take him down.

I don’t know how America will be under a Trump presidency, but I’m certain Hillary will be worse.

It’s 2:45am and I’m going to bed without knowing for certain who will win, but Hillary calling off her victory party is a good indication. I wonder if she will concede graciously if she loses.

Good night, God bless America and protect our Constitution.


As I’m proofreading this post Marianne calls out that it’s over. Trump won, Hillary has conceded and the unthinkable 18 months ago has happened. Donald Trump is our next president. Interesting times ahead.

Hillary v Trump Round One

Very short observation.

Just watched the first presidential debate of the 2016 election. I’m not going to spend much time commenting on the debate itself, other than to note that those who thought Hillary would wipe the floor with Trump must feel very disappointed right now.

I watched the debate on PBS, and that’s where my greater concern lies. I get most of my “main stream” news from Public Broadcasting, and it’s very disheartening to see the bias of the commenters shine through so strongly and impenitently; Gwen Ifill and Mark Shields in particular being the be the biggest offenders.

PBS The NewsHour has degraded significantly since Jim Lehrer’s departure, mostly, in my opinion, due to the disproportionately high estrogen content of the program.

This election ain’t over yet.

Nobel Peace Prize To The Bonobos

I suggest that the primate species of Bonobos be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for 2016. Bonobos are the only hominid primates that don’t have a war-like culture. They are led by females. They solve conflict with sex. They rely on cooperation rather than competition as a means to maintain peace and stability; who don’t resolve disputes with violence. Bonobos stand as an example for all humans to follow. The world would unquestionably be a better place if humans were more Bonobo-like.

Copulating Bonobos

Two high-level Bonobo diplomats vigorously negotiating a peace treaty

Urge the Norwegian Nobel Committee to award the 2016 Nobel Peace Prize to the entire species of Bonobos. Nobody deserves it more. Please sign and share this petition. World peace and the future of humanity depends on your support.


Sam Harris On Guns + My Own Thoughts

Anybody interested in the problem of gun violence and America’s unique relationship to firearms (should be all of us), should take the time to listen to this podcast by Sam Harris. It’s probably the most sane and level-headed analysis I’ve heard on the subject in a media landscape dominated by hyperbolic zealots on either side of the spectrum. It’s one-and-a-half hours well spent.

Let me share, briefly, my own feelings on the subject. To set things straight from the get-go, let’s agree to the following: It is indisputable that America has more guns per capita than any other western civilized country we care to compare ourselves to. It’s also indisputable that we have more gun deaths (total and per capita) than any other advanced  nation. It is much easier to get hold of a gun in America than in any other modern, first-world nation. The correlation between the number of guns in our society and the high occurrence of gun violence can hardly be denied. If we cannot agree on these things, don’t bother reading further; you are not a reasonable-minded person.

Still, a few years ago, for whatever reason, I got it into my head that I wanted to own a pistol. The local gun shop in the neighboring town of Monroe informed me that the state of Connecticut requires one to have a gun permit in order to buy a handgun. They kindly offered to provide the training necessary to get the certification. After a six-hour course, including firing a total of twelve shots (the only shots I had ever fired in my life at that point) with a .22-caliber revolver at a shooting range, and passing a 30-question written “test” (open-book, discussion with the other people taking the class allowed, and self-grading of said test), I was given a diploma certifying that I had fulfilled the state-mandated requirements. At the local police station I submitted my application and finger prints for a criminal background check and after about six weeks received notification that I could pick up my pistol permit at the state police facility in Bridgeport. I now had the state’s blessing to own and carry a gun in public.

That very same day I headed off to a gun shop and, on the advice of the store clerk, bought a 9mm Springfield XDM semi-automatic pistol with a total capacity of 19+1 rounds (legislation passed after the Sandy Hook massacre now prohibits me from loading it with more than ten rounds when not on my property, which is rather good news for the 11th person I plan on killing).

Next stop was the shooting range where I had previously “qualified” by shooting a revolver twelve times. The inadequacy of this qualification soon became apparent when I discovered that I didn’t know how to load the magazine of my newly acquired pistol; small wonder as this was the first time I’d ever held a semi-automatic pistol in my hands. Let me repeat this since it’s not insignificant: I was licensed by the state to own and carry any kind of legal firearm, yet I had never operated, and did not know how to load my pistol.

No matter how hard I tried I could only stuff a couple rounds into the magazine before it jammed. I finally sought the help of the range officer on duty, and after he also failed to load up the magazine, he finally discovered the problem: the store clerk had sold me two boxes of .40 caliber ammunition to go with my 9mm pistol.

What I’m trying to say here is that even in Connecticut (and even after Sandy Hook), the requirements to own and carry a pistol, are woefully inadequate. It is absolutely crazy to allow somebody with the training I received to own, buy and carry, openly or concealed (which is the law in CT) any kind of firearm.

I agree with most, if not all, of what Sam Harris said in his podcast, and have become more convinced than ever that what I said in a previous post is true: we need to repeal the second amendment of the US constitution. Or rather, repeal and replace, since I don’t want to ban guns. But the way 2A is worded makes it very difficult to come to any kind of consensus as to what it actually means in practical terms. The gun nuts (the Ted Nugent fan boys) will always point to “the right of the people” and “shall not be infringed”, while the gun grabbers (Bloomberg et al.) will emphasize “a well regulated militia”, and they will both be right. My own vision for a revised 2A might include words to the effect that gun-ownership is indeed an individual right, but not any gun for anybody at any place, and the power to regulate requirements and limitations is given to congress. I believe Sam’s analogy to the requirements to get a pilot’s license is appropriate and sound. I say this knowing full well that any member of Congress who proposes a repeal of the second amendment will have committed political suicide more effectively than declaring an unbelief in Jesus.

Update October 3rd, 2019: Since posting this my opinion on the matter has evolved. I now consider the 2nd amendment to the US constitution to be my permit to own and carry a gun. I still recommend taking classes and learning as much as you can about gun safety and general usage, as well as the laws related to guns where you live. Practice handling and shooting your gun regularly. Don’t be that guy that shot himself in the foot on YouTube.

Political Correctness Gone Amok


Alfonso Aguilar learning that he is insensitive to the plight of slaves and single moms for using the term “hard worker”.

Look at this face. It is the stunned expression of a man who has just been confronted with pure, unadulterated, full-blown, in-your-face stupidity, and he doesn’t know how to react. Neither would I.

Just when you thought social justice warriors couldn’t get any crazier, Melissa Harris-Perry, progressive talking head, took the movement to a whole new level of being batshit, fucking unreasonable. During a discussion on her MSNBC show, one of her guests, Alfonso Aguilar, a former official in the Bush 2 administration made a grievous and, apparently racist, faux pas when he referred to Paul Ryan as a “hard worker”. Ms Harris-Perry, being acutely perceptive of hidden micro-aggressions from the white, cis-male patriarchy, quickly interrupted to point out that:

Alfonso, I feel you, but I just want to pause on one thing because I don’t disagree with you that I actually think Mr. Ryan is a great choice for this role, but I want us to be super careful when we use the language “hard worker”, because I actually keep an image of folks working in cotton fields on my office wall, because it is a reminder about what hard work looks like. So, I feel you that he’s a hard worker. I do, but in the context of relative privilege, and I just want to point out that when you talk about work-life balance and being a hard worker, the moms who don’t have health care who are working (…) but, we don’t call them hard workers. We call them failures. We call them people who are sucking off the system.

Really? Really??? REALLY?!?

Saying that somebody is a “hard worker” (this presumably is only true for straight, white males) is really racist code speak, an underhanded diss at slaves and working single moms? For fuck’s sake! This shit is getting out of hand.