Obama Vs Putin in Syria

Obama has egg on his face. Putin thinks so to, because he put it there. I can’t help feeling a twinge of schadenfreude, even though I’m a very big patriot.

Vladimir Putin can beat the shit out of Chuck Norris (and Obama).

Vladimir Putin looking very smug right now. He could beat up Obama and Chuck Norris as a warmup for his morning exercise routine.

My point is that there is no moral difference between killing innocent civilians with poison gas than more conventional methods.

Two nuclear bombs directed specifically at huge concentrations of innocent civilians. Death toll estimated at 225,000. Agent Orange used indiscriminately against a civilian population. 400,000 killed or maimed. 500,000 birth defects. By far the largest stash of chemical weapons in the world ourselves. Remotely controlled drones killing terrorists (and a fair amount of innocent civilians) in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen and God only knows where else, gives the USA very little moral high ground and absolutely disqualifies us from any position of leadership in the world. Particularly when we conveniently looked the other way because it suited our schemes in the region when Saddam Hussein used the same poisonous gas in the Iraq-Iran war and against the Kurds in his own country.

President Obama

He stole my lunch money again!

Let me make this perfectly fucking clear: Our less savory actions on the global political stage has come back to bite us in the ass. And I say that as a patriot. Fuck that; I don’t even know what a patriot is anymore. The word is so over-used that it’s become as meaningless and empty as the “God bless America” that every politician throws in to conclude their speeches, or the automatic “how are you?” I get from the checkout lady at the supermarket. She doesn’t really care how I feel. She has enough with her own problems, like trying to make a living on minimum wage.


The Ways In Which We Depart And The Power Of Our Convictions

If it’s better to burn out than fade away, then why do most of us fade away? And isn’t burning out much the same as fading away anyway? What you really are trying to say (without having given much thought to it) is that it’s better to go out with a bang than with a whimper. And yet most of us still choose the whimper option. It takes guts to put your money where your mouth is. Or douse yourself with gasoline and strike a match just to make a point.

Vietnam Monk Self-immolates

Vietnamese Mahayana Buddhist monk who burned himself to death at a busy Saigon road intersection on 11 June 1963. Quang Duc was protesting the persecution of Buddhists by the South Vietnamese government led by Ngo Dinh Diem. Source: Wikipedia