If you try to access RichardDawkins.net from within Pakistan, this is what you get:

The Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science website has been banned in Pakistan!
From the email I received today:
With its religious fundamentalism and extremely restrictive blasphemy laws, Pakistan has long been an enemy of free speech. We here at RDFRS are not surprised by the banishment of our website, but we are deeply saddened for the Pakistani secularists that depend on our website for information, organizing and most importantly, solidarity.
You can help us continue to reach secularists in Pakistan and other religiously oppressive countries. Your support will allow us to build a safe community for those ostracized and isolated for their beliefs. They can ban our website, but they can not diminish our resolve to make the world safer for nonbelievers. Please, help the Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science reach out to our fellow secularists in Pakistan by contributing $20 [or any amount you are comfortable with and your budget allows for] today!
Free speech, free exchange of ideas, reason and science are much more effective weapons in the fight against terrorism and oppressive, religion-based regimes than soldiers and drones. Support the cause and help save our secularism, thereby making the world a better place for everybody, as I have, by donating to RichardDawkins.net today.