Just to get the Guns, Ammo & Shooting category going. In my old age I went and got myself a gun permit. After some back and forth and quite a few dollars down the drain (due to my own ignorance), I’ve ended up with a Springfield XDM Compact 9mm as my “main” gun. I have several at this point, but I’ve noticed that gun guys like to refer to their favorite gun as their “main gun”, my “EDC gun” (everyday carry gun), “my CCW (concealed carry weapon) and other such macho terms.
Personally I don’t carry anything but myself, and with dignity to boot, even though my CT permit entitles me to both concealed and open carry. At this point I’m quite happy to leave my gun at home unless I’m on my way to the range.

Springfield Armory semi-automatic pistol XDM Compact 9mm.

Springfield Armory semi-automatic pistol XDM Compact 9mm with extended magazine.
The photos shown are stock photos stolen from Springfield Armory’s website. The short magazine holds 13 rounds, and the extended 19. I’ve added a pinky extension to my short mag to improve the grip, but honestly I don’t notice much of a difference. It looks cool, though. I’ve become quite proficient at making holes in paper at 15′ distance. So if you’re a piece of paper up to no good, stay away from my house, or else…
I’m NOT a member of the NRA, by the way. Through a convolutedĀ process I’ve come to support the 2nd amendment to our constitution (in my interpretation, mind you), but I’m not a single-issue voter. The NRA (National Rifle Association of America), although they claim to be a single-issue organization, is far from it, and has a long list of political agendas that I’m not prepared to fund. I guess you could call me armed and liberal.
The Springfield XD and XDM series of semi-automatic pistols are made in Croatia, by the way. God bless America!