Nelson Mandela Confirmed Dead By South African Government

I know he’s not, but it can’t be long now and I’d like to get a head start for SEO purposes. I know some of you might find it tasteless, but some guy bought the domain (or a name to that effect, I can’t remember 100%) the day the news was released that Christopher Hitchens was diagnosed with esophageal cancer. Don’t get your knickers in a bunch, it’s just an experiment. It’s not like all the major news outlets don’t have his eulogy on file already. Just to clarify, Nelson Mandela is NOT dead at the time of this writing. President Obama sends his condolences.

My Hero Is Gone – Christopher Hitchens Dead

I just heard the sad news. Christopher Hitchens has succumbed to esophageal cancer. Creationists all over the  world rejoice, thanking Jesus, while reasonable people are mourning. I would say R.I.P., but that would be an insult.

If the music died 02-03-1959­, then reason and acerbic wit took a hit 12-15-2011­.

I’m not old enough to remember where I was when John F. Kennedy was assassinated, but I do have John Lennon (sitting in a van listening to the radio, waiting for the post office at St. Olav’s Square in Oslo, Norway to open) and Christoper Hitchens (right here in front of my computer in Newtown, Connecticut). Oddly enough I don’t think they would have gotten along very well.

I regard Mr Hitchens a beacon of reason and logic and unsurpassed intellectual wit and honesty in a world that suffers from ignorance and superstition, not only abroad, but increasingly so right here at home. He was the standard bearer promoting atheism (he referred to himself as an “anti-theist”) and casting off the shackles of religion.

I didn’t agree with him on everything (America’s unwarranted invasion of Iraq in 2003 being the biggie), but the world needed his passion for truth now more than ever. The world is a much, much , MUCH better place for having been lucky enough to have him around.
