Am I the only one who’s pissed that the primary is all set and done before it even reaches my state? A good half of the country (probably more; I didn’t bother to do the math) should feel disenfranchised as voters right about now. Democracy my fucking ass. Last time around I changed my party affiliation from Independent to Democrat, and wouldn’t you know, my guy dropped out before “super” Tuesday because he was hopelessly outspent by Barack & Hillary. Imagine if the general election were to be held over a period of six months. What a fucking joke.
So now we have the choice between Willard and Barack. What’s the difference? One straps dogs to the roof of his car and the other has funny ears. Skin tone is about the same.
Don’t kid yourself. America is about as democratic as Sudan. We live in a two-party dictatorship owned and paid for by corporations.