Chickenfoot does Deep Purple’s “Highway Star” — Better?

It would be sacrilege if I said it so I won’t (but I will), but this is fucking awesome! The creators get 1st Honors, however. Deep Purple has a special place in my heart (if not in The Rock & Roll Hall of F(Sh)ame); I’ve seen them live with the most classic of Deep Purple classic lineups, so this isn’t a put-down, but I’m not afraid to say that Satch can play circles around Blackmoore any day of the week. Chickenfoot is a band that’s not Deep Purple, with no keyboards, playing a Deep Purple classic and making it sound better than Deep Purple with keyboards! There, I said it, so now I’ll have to cut out my tongue. Hate away.

Jon Lord Dead

Rock and roll has lost one of its greatest. Jonathan Douglas “Jon” Lord died today, July 16th, 2012 at the age of 71. As a founding member and keyboard player of Deep Purple he will be remembered as one of the true giants of hard rock. Deep Purple and Jon Lord were among my personal all-time favorites and although Jon is gone his music will be with me and make my life more enjoyable until my number comes up. It’s a sad day indeed, but life must go on. Hail Jon!

Jon Lord

My iTunes Data

You know you’re really fucking bored when you resort to posting shit like this.

I have 4,850 songs on iTunes, everything ripped from my own CDs or purchased on Amazon. I refuse to buy from the iTunes store due to their DRM issues. Plus I find the entire store to be fucking annoying. There will be fewer once I get around to culling all bands/artists who use Confederate imagery in their songs/albums/performances. I’ll post a video when I destroy all my Lynyrd Skynyrd CDs. I haven’t manned up enough to actually do it yet, but at least they’re on my no-play list.

I have 14 playlists as follows:

  • Best of AC/DC (44 songs)
  • Best of Alice Cooper (77 songs)
  • Best of Black Sabbath (34 songs)
  • Best of Deep Purple (39 songs)
  • Best of Nazareth (41 songs)
  • Best of Status Quo (31 songs)
  • Best of Steppenwolf (37 songs)
  • Classic Rock (493 songs)
  • Eclectic BS (386)
  • Intense workout shortie (30 songs)
  • Popcorn (34 songs)
  • SloMo (196 songs)