I remember listening to the right-wing religious “therapist” “Dr” Laura on the radio some time ago (yeah, I used to do that for laughs once in a while) having a rant about circumcision. Basically what she said was that anyone that was against cutting the skin was an anti-Semitic hate monger, not to mention grossly unhygienic and a possible disease carrier. “Dr” Laura, behind her facade of self-righteous religious moralism, has, as we all know, a history of posing for nudies, but I’m not going to hold that against her. Just thought I’d mention it.

"There's not much pain involved and they won't remember it when they grow up. My son cried more when he got his first hair cut." ~ Anonymous mohel.
According to statistics 70% of the current male population in America have been circumcised. Depending on how you count (synagogue affiliation or not), Jews only make up between approximately 1.5-2% of the population. So who hates the 103 million men that have been circumcised, but are not Jews, and why? I can’t imagine why “Dr” Laura even cares. First of all, she’s not a real Jew, and, more importantly, she doesn’t have a cock. I wonder what her stance would be if God had made a pact with Sarah that she should cut off her labia. Possibly converting to Judaism wouldn’t have been quite as tempting.
I don’t know if it’s more or less hygienic to be cut or uncut. I would assume that a circumcised, unwashed, dick would smell bad and maybe carry around some bacteria, so my advice would be to always wash down below, whether you’re skinned or not, at least if you have some hopes of ever getting a blowjob. Personally I have all the parts I was born with save for a few brain cells and maybe some hair. And yet I don’t hate circumcised men. Frankly I couldn’t care less about anybody’s cock but my own, and it’s staying just the way it is, thank you! Nor do I hate Jews, but I do have a strong dislike for one (fake) Jew in particular.