Joe Weider, Trainer Of Champions, AKA “The Master Blaster” Dead At 93

Joe Weider died yesterday of heart failure at the age of 93. Although he never knew, he played an integral part in my life. For those of you who don’t know who he was, he, along with his late brother Ben, popularized the sport of bodybuilding. Without him there would be no Arnold Schwarzenegger, no IFBB and no Mr Olympia. Regarding Arnold, that might have been a good thing depending on where you stand.

In my opinion bodybuilding has been ruined in the later decades as the Champions became like freakish chemical monsters. Back in the day, while there may have been some steroids, it was more a true culture of fitness and physique perfection. Today it’s a carnival sideshow.

Joe was in some ways a controversial figure, and many considered him to be a ruthless business man. When all is said and done, at the end of the day, I think the world is a better place because of him. I do not hold him responsible for the status of bodybuilding today.

I’m too lazy to write a proper eulogy for Joe, so I’ll just link to his Wikipedia page and post a picture of him.

Joe Weider

Joe Weider, “The Master Blaster”, passes away at the age of 93

Mr Olympia 2012

Just took a quick peek at the photo galleries on from the event on Sept. 30th in Las Vegas. It used to be I looked forward to this show for months and I couldn’t wait for the muscle mags to reach the news stands to find out the results and look at the pics. This year (and the past few) with instant streaming coverage on the Internet I didn’t even remember until it was long over.

From looking at the pics I think pro bodybuilding has taken a step back from the beastly era of Ronnie Coleman and Dorian Yates. Good thing/bad thing? Dunno, don’t care, they’re all doped to the hilt anyway, but the top 3 this year wouldn’t have made the finals in 2000.

And who the fuck is Shawn Rhoden? It used to be you had to win a Mr Universe competition before being eligible to compete in Mr Olympia. So now they’re handing out pro cards to every Tom, Dick and Harry? WTF?