Something I Read On The Internet

NATO’s policy of expansion in the East over decades in the face of explicit Russian protests and warnings of potentially dire consequences, eventually drove international tensions up to the point where a Russian military intervention inside Ukraine’s borders was unavoidable.

If you’re going to blame Putin, then you must also blame NATO and its Sec. Gen. Herr Stoltenberg; the UK and its then-PM Mr BJ; the EU and its Madame Ursula; the USA and its varying presidents including Obama and Biden; plus all the non-governmental actors of the World Economic Forum, such as Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, George Soros, as well as the multitude of bought-and-paid-for Main Stream Media talking (but not thinking) heads (including those of state-owned Norwegian propaganda outlet NRK).

To Rape Or Not To Rape

Non-rape as a military strategy to dehumanize the enemy.

Israel National News reports that a researcher from Hebrew University has written a paper that concludes that the lack of rapes committed by members of the Israeli military (Israeli Defence Forces or IDF) against Palestinian women is a strategy designed to serve a political purpose.

Well, good! one might say. The “political purpose” of not raping the enemy is obviously to bring as little hatred upon yourself as possible. Wrong!

“In the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, it can be seen that the lack of military rape merely strengthens the ethnic boundaries and clarifies the inter-ethnic differences – just as organized military rape would have done.”
~ Tal Nitzan, doctoral candidate at Hebrew University, Jerusalem

So there you have it. Surely this brings a whole new level of meaning to the phrase “damned if you do, damned if you don’t”. Rape is bad, but somehow not raping is worse. And we thought the SJWs in America were batshit crazy.

From The Richard Dawkins Foundation

Got this in my e-mail today:

Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason & Science

Hi ,

The beginning of a year is a good time to look at the challenges ahead. And there will be plenty in 2015. This week we have three reports examining different lines of attack by the Religious Right in the United States and globally.

We offer a chilling examination of how the new GOP majority in Congress may try to punch holes in the wall between church and state. Also, read a short but thoughtful legal analysis of how last year’s disastrous Hobby Lobby decision may be followed by other efforts to expand religious exemptions in law, such as public officials trying to opt out of conducting gay marriages.

Internationally, conservative and religious groups are building cross-border alliances to counter gains made by the gay community. Just one chilling example: Russia’s Putin and the Orthodox church are funnelling money to sympathetic right-wing groups in Europe.

It is becoming more commonplace for non-believers to open meetings of city councils and other local government meetings with a nonreligious invocations. That doesn’t mean they are welcomed. Don’t miss the video of what happened in Lake Worth, Fla.

In news, the head of a public university in Alabama managed to turn a routine New Year’s video greeting to students into an insulting slam against atheists for somehow eroding democracy.

In science, we’ve marveled at the remarkable journey of the monarch butterflies during their annual migration. But if you’ve seen fewer of them in recent years, there’s a reason. The government may list them as officially endangered.

Robyn Blumner
Executive Director
Richard Dawkins Foundation

Support the fight of reason and rationality against ignorance, bigotry and stupidity.


Governor Malloy Incompetent And/Or Ignorant Or Just Plain Gangsta?

I got a, frankly, disturbing email from my good friends at CCDL today pointing me to this article on their blog and am reposting it here to help get the word out. This is the kind of thing that happens when legislators meet in the dark back-rooms in the state capitol building in Hartford, sneaking through legislation under the false pretense of so-called Emergency Certification to bypass the normal procedures a bill goes through.

Governor Malloy was on the Chaz and A.J. show this morning where he took a call on the new gun law.

Hey governor. I’m just curious about this new gun bill that came out especially with pistols with high capacity mags. Right now I’ve got two 14-round mags that are only loaded to 10 as required, but it’s unclear, can I carry both of them if they’re loaded to 10 or can I only carry one?

First of all what you have to do is disclose – there’s a way to disclose that you have them and you’re grandfathered in. So, that’s how our law works in Connecticut. You don’t lose the right to have them, you just have to say that you have them. “Hey, I’m Joe. I’ve got two of these.” and that’s it. So the limitations that you’re fearing aren’t necessarily in our bill. They are – I think you’re referring to New York’s law, quite frankly, and New York has a different set of laws than we do.

The Governor is mistaken. The law he signed into law back in April does indeed prevent someone from carrying a so-called ‘Large Capacity Magazine’ even if it is properly declared, and absolutely limits the number of bullets to 10.

Section 25(f)(7) of Public Act 13-3:
“Pursuant to a valid permit to carry a pistol or revolver, provided such large capacity magazine (A) is within a pistol or revolver that was lawfully possessed by the person prior to the effective date of this section, (B) does not extend beyond the bottom of the pistol grip, and (C) contains not more than ten bullets.”

By requiring the magazine be “within” a pistol or revolver you are limiting the number of declared ‘large capacity magazine’ one is able to carry, along with the number of bullets it can contain. For the governor’s statement to be true you would need to carry multiple guns or find a gun the holds 2 or more magazines.

The Governor and Legislators were in such a rush to pass SB1160 they did not even hold public hearings, denying citizens their due process. Maybe if Governor Malloy had given the people, you know, those of us he called the “fringe of the fringe” a chance to speak about the bill, we could have pointed out issues such as this. Maybe if Governor Malloy had listened to those of us he labeled as the “fringe” he would understand the points of these new laws that are so confusing to us, the ones that actually try to obey the law. But, apparently, he doesn’t know what he signed into law.

This legislation is so convoluted that lawyers and elected officials are not sure what’s legal and what’s not. Donate to the CCDL’s Litigation Fund as we work to overturn this nonsense.

I strongly doubt that the wording of the specific section in the law is a mistake. I think they worded it that way intentionally to obfuscate the law and further disarm law abiding citizens. I had previously noted this almost tricky language and was planning on going to my local police dept. and ask for a clarification. But if Governor Malloy doesn’t know what he signed into law (bad), or doesn’t understand what it means (worse), or knows AND understands, but deliberately misinforms (worst), what can I expect from the police who are supposed to enforce the law? If I ask five different officers, how many different answers will I get? How many good people are right now unwittingly in violation of the law the governor himself doesn’t comprehend, risking arrest and imprisonment, a permanent criminal stain on their records and quite possibly losing their right to own (and much less carry) firearms?


I don’t know why I’m bothering (it won’t make any difference anyway), but I found this in my in-box today and thought I’d share. The email originated from, an online retailer of ammo, ammo components and guns, mostly military surplus and used police lots. Feel free to pass this message on to the next guy.

For those who don’t know, the M1 Garand was the standard issue rifle for the US military, in production between 1936 and 1957. It is a fairly large rifle that holds 8 rounds in an internal magazine, semi-automatic without the ability to shoot full auto. Gun dealers import/re-import these military surplus rifles today and offer them to collectors and gun enthusiasts as a piece of American military curio and history. People buy these rifles for the same reason a stamp collector buys a rare or unusual stamp, or a numismatist a particular coin. This is not the gun of choice for your average criminal (or any criminal; it’s big, heavy, difficult to conceal, holds only eight rounds and takes long to re-load). Yet, the president  feels the need to act, you know, because of the children.

m1 garand

The legendary M1 Garand. You can’t have one.

I find it ironic that I receive this email on the same day they report yet another mass-shooting (13 casualties the last time I checked) in Chicago, no less, the president’s adopted home town where he served as a community organizer (I’m still not sure what that is). I’m willing to bet my left nut that the gun used was not an antique M1 Garand.

Anyway, the email I received asks me to sign a petition asking Obama to retract his executive order to ban the re-importation of a number of these rifles. I can tell you right away that the petition will have absolutely no effect, but if you want your voice to be heard (or at least noted and filed away in a database), you should go ahead.

Word of warning. You must register with in order to sign the petition, and you will automatically be added to their mailing list begging for money and donations. I’ve put them on my spam list.


Last week, the Obama Administration stopped the importation of M1 Garands, M1 Carbines and other U.S. produced curio & relic firearms through a “policy decision.” There were 84,000 M1 Garands almost ready to come in from Korea and President Obama stopped them with this order. UNREAL. PLEASE FORWARD THIS TO ALL YOUR FRIENDS.

We are writing to you regarding the recent Executive Action by the Obama Administration, specifically the policy decision in which The White House stated:

“Today, the Administration is announcing a new policy of denying requests to bring military-grade firearms back into the United States to private entities with only a few exceptions such as for museums.  This new policy will help keep military-grade firearms off our streets.”

Based on this Executive Action the following petition should be signed:

American gun owners, collectors, dealers, distributors and retailers should sign the above online petition to The White House seeking reversal of President Barak Obama’s Executive Action against the importation into the United States of the WWII era U.S. M1 Garand rifles. The President’s recent decision will not allow the M1 Garand rifle to be imported into the United States. These firearms are highly sought after collectible guns and valued by U.S. veterans, sport and target shooters, and members of reenactment clubs devoted to bringing the History of World War II to life with public displays. These rifles are also used for participation in parades and  variety of other community activities. These are not modern military weapons such as machine guns, and present no public safety issue in America. Please sign the petition now and get your customers to do the same.

We thank you in advance for your support.

Connecticut: Lawsuit Filed in U.S. District Court Challenging Constitutionality of New Firearms Law

Not to sound repetitive, but I just want to make sure the word gets out that we’re not taking governmental abuse and overreach lying down. I’m not saying “from my cold, dead hands“, but I strongly oppose the manner in which, as well as the content of, Governor Dannel Malloy et al’s recent attempt to circumvent democratic process and undermine the 2nd Amendment. If you have an agenda, promote it openly, don’t try to sneak shit past the electorate with lies and deception. Just sayin’.

From my in inbox, courtesy of The National Rifle Association – Institute for Legislative Action:

Connecticut: Lawsuit Filed in U.S. District Court Challenging Constitutionality of New Firearms Law

Bridgeport, CT – Yesterday, a widely-anticipated lawsuit was filed in U.S. District Court in Connecticut, challenging the constitutionality of the new firearms law that was passed hastily by the Connecticut Legislature in response to the tragic shooting in Newtown by a disturbed individual. Despite this new law being called “An Act Concerning Gun Violence Prevention and Children’s Safety,” Connecticut’s new firearms law makes Connecticut citizens less safe. This lawsuit seeks immediate injunctive relief and a ruling declaring the new law unconstitutional under the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. It alleges that Connecticut’s new firearms law violates the Second Amendment, and makes both citizens and law enforcement less safe by depriving citizens of modern firearms that are in common use throughout the country for self-defense.

Brought on behalf of individual gun owners, retailers and Second Amendment groups, this lawsuit seeks to vindicate the constitutional rights of citizens who are harmed by the broad prohibitions and unworkable vagueness of the new law. This legal challenge focuses on Connecticut’s ban of more than 100 additional commonly-owned firearms, demonizing design features that provide improved safety, accuracy and ease-of-use features, including magazines that hold more than ten rounds of ammunition. This lawsuit also challenges the practical bans imposed by the new law on an even broader array of firearms due to the new law’s vague language and interpretative confusion combined with severe criminal penalties.

Plaintiffs bringing this lawsuit include an elderly widow who lives alone in a rural area where the emergency response time of a lone resident trooper serving the area is 45 minutes, a Rabbi whose synagogue in the Bridgeport area was broken into by intruders, a young professional woman whose efforts to defend herself are made more difficult by the loss of an arm due to cancer, among other individuals. In addition, retailers whose businesses have been severely harmed by the law have joined this lawsuit, which was conceived and organized by fellow plaintiff organizations: the Connecticut Citizens’ Defense League (CCDL) and the Coalition of Connecticut Sportsmen. Both organizational plaintiffs represent large numbers of Connecticut citizens whose rights to own the firearms of their choice for self-defense and other purposes such as sports shooting and hunting has been infringed upon by the new law.

Bob Crook, Executive Director of the Coalition of Connecticut Sportsmen, says, “This law will do nothing to prevent a tragedy or solve the problem of crime committed with guns. Instead of violating constitutional rights, we need to get serious about addressing violence and mental illness.” He continued, “Two recent independent studies by Pew and the federal government have just revealed that gun homicides are down almost 40% and general crime involving guns has dropped a whopping 70% since 1993, which corresponds with the elimination of the federal assault weapons ban. In contrast, the few areas of the country where gun crimes have increased dramatically are the very places where local or state governments have banned or severely restricted gun ownership by law-abiding citizens.”

This Connecticut lawsuit, along with similar legal challenges in New York and Colorado are expected to better define the extent of a responsible citizens’ right to own a commonly used firearm of personal choice for self-defense, defense of family and other lawful uses. Each of these states has enacted new firearms laws that, despite law-makers best intentions, make citizens and law enforcement less safe against criminals and the mentally ill who do not obey these laws.

Your NRA will continue to work in Connecticut and in other states across the nation to support and protect our Second Amendment rights.

I realize that I may start to sound like a gun nut to some, and that I will have to diversify the targets of my ire to maintain my cred as a sane member of society. Stay tuned.

Connecticut Citizens’ Defense League Litigation Update 05/22/2013

From my inbox:

Lawsuit Filed in Connecticut U.S. District Court

The Connecticut Citizens Defense League, the Coalition of Connecticut Sportsmen, Hiller Sports, MD Shooting along with several individuals have filed as Plaintiffs in a legal complaint that is intended to overturn the recent ban on guns of common use in the State of Connecticut.

Here is the official filed complaint.

Here is the official Press Release.

This is a big day for gun owners across Connecticut!

CCDL Executive committee has been advised to not discuss the case publicly.

We are also asking our members to not discuss or debate any aspect of this legal action on our Facebook page, or any other social media that may be controlled by CCDL. This is for the good of the case

I am cautiously optimistic, but not in the short term. The Machine is growing bigger and more unruly by the day, and is getting closer to acquiring a will of its own, independent from its makers.

How Much Does Newtown Love Their Children? Part 2

As previously reported, voters in Newtown, Connecticut, rejected a town and school budget on April 23rd partly because $770,000 that was added for extra police and school security in the wake of the Sandy Hook Elementary massacre Dec.14th. In a new referendum today the town budget passed, but the school budget failed. By 52 votes.

Snipped from the Newtown Bee:

Council Chairman Jeff Capeci said that the number of voters who responded to the corresponding budget question signaled they wanted to see additional reductions.

The next time you read that Newtown/Sandy Hook is a tight-knit community where everybody pulls together in times of unspeakable horror and meaningless tragedy, don’t believe it for a minute. It’s easy to arrange makeshift memorials and displays of paper angels on the roadside; easy to hang green and white balloons on fence posts and road signs throughout the town; easy to stick a green and white ribbon to the bumper of your car; easy to hold candle vigils and send thoughts and prayers. Symbols of sympathy come cheap, but when asked to actually put their money where their mouths are, the good people of Newtown are oddly tight-lipped.

On Religion And Theology

Philosophy is like being in a dark room looking for a black cat.

Metaphysics is like being in a dark room and looking for a black cat that isn’t there.

Theology is like being in a dark room and looking for a black cat that isn’t there and shouting “I found it!”.

~ Some guy on the Internet

I came across this on the Internet. I don’t know who the author is, so he shall remain uncredited, suffice to say I didn’t come up with it, but I thought it was pretty clever and approve of the message