Old geezer learns Black Sabbath

When they were young: The godfathers of Metal – Black Sabbath
Hey, I started playing guitar @ 16 and quit at 17 (bad move!). At 62 I still want to be a rock star, arthritic hands and all, so I decided the Old Geezer needs to learn Black Sabbath on guitar. Here’s my first attempt at recording just a few weeks after acquiring my new setup: a cheap Strat-type guitar of the brand Morgan and a Focusrite 2i2 interface to get it into my computer where I can record with the free DAW Cakewalk by BandLab. Enjoy and play nice!
When I Grow Up I Wanna Be A Rock & Roll Star! Tenkte jeg skulle gjenopplive ungdomsdrømmen om å bli råkkestjerne. Det er aldri for seint å lære ei gammal bikkje nye triks! Kjøpte meg en gitar og noen opptaksgreier fra 4sound på Forus utenfor Stavanger (greie, kunnskapsrike og hjelpsomme karer!) og her er det første resultatet: Introen til Into The Void av Black Sabbath. Ække helt sikker på hvorfor trollet vises som thumbnail, siden jeg hadde valgt et annet bilde. Oh well…
My SEO plugin says I need to add more text, so here’s a filler paragraph. 1) I need to add my chosen key-phrase which happens to be Old geezer learns Black Sabbath several times to earn some Google love. 2) I need at least 300 words to get a passing grade from Yoast (which I am hereby trying to do). I guess mentioning Black Sabbath a few more times won’t hurt. I’ll have to run this through Google translate for a Norwegian version in order to boost my word count. Let’s hope the Google bots don’t flag this as meaningless filler text. Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet…