I voted for Obama twice. I backed Bernie in the primaries. I ended up voting for Trump. The only way I would have voted for Hillary is if Ted Cruz were the Republican nominee. I don’t particularly like Trump as a person, but I didn’t hold my nose when I voted for him. You would expect a business man of his caliber to exploit all the (perfectly legal) loopholes in the tax laws. You would expect him to be brash and aggressive. I give zero fucks about the pussy grabbing comments. All men have at one time or another uttered similar remarks in the company of other men, myself included. It’s a dick measuring contest. It’s in our genes. We’re animals.
Hillary brags about her life in politics and public service. You would not expect her to be a rape apologist for her husband. You would not expect her to cheat to crush Bernie. You would not expect her to have a private email server as Secretary of State specifically to hide her communications. You would not expect her to solicit money from Saudi Arabia and claim to be a feminist. You would not expect her to lie and give paid speeches to Big Finance saying the diametrically opposite of what she says in public. I’m sick to the stomach of the regressive turn the Left has taken over the past four years.
I don’t like Trump, but I think Hillary is a Machiavellian reptile. Bernie would have had a much better shot at beating Trump, but the establishment conspired to take him down.
I don’t know how America will be under a Trump presidency, but I’m certain Hillary will be worse.
It’s 2:45am and I’m going to bed without knowing for certain who will win, but Hillary calling off her victory party is a good indication. I wonder if she will concede graciously if she loses.
Good night, God bless America and protect our Constitution.
As I’m proofreading this post Marianne calls out that it’s over. Trump won, Hillary has conceded and the unthinkable 18 months ago has happened. Donald Trump is our next president. Interesting times ahead.