Just a few weeks ago I was Charlie. Now I must also be Muath al-Kasasbeh.
I felt it again yesterday as I saw the headlines that ISIS had burned Jordanian pilot Muath al-Kasasbeh alive in a cage, filmed it in gruesome detail and posted the video on the Internet.
A visceral punch to the gut. A literal feeling of being sick. A despair and deep depression and sorrow when faced with the pure evil man is capable of.
I can’t shake it off. The image that intrudes upon my mind uninvited of the poor man trapped in a cage while the flames consume him. All the while a professional film team has their cameras trained on him to capture every agonizing second.
For our viewing pleasure.
I didn’t watch the video. I don’t need to. My imagination is quite vivid. Only now I wish it wasn’t.
My heart bleeds for his wife, his parents, his family. For mankind. I would cry if I could.
And then anger. Raging anger like I’ve never felt before. Right now, although I know intellectually it’s the wrong solution, I would support any measure to wipe the pest that is ISIS from existence. Bring out the heavy artillery. Bring out the bombs. If we could flatten Dresden, surely we can exterminate these animals. Bring out the napalm, the mustard gas; hell, bring out the tactical nukes!
Does anybody still doubt that Sam Harris was right when he said Islam is the mother lode of bad ideas? The terrorists quoted a specific chapter from the Koran that justified burning a man alive as punishment.
Fight any and all irrational ideas and dogma that are used to justify acts of terror. Put down the subhumans like the rabid dogs they are. The same goes for the silent enablers who, while not actually are physically taking part in the atrocities, approve in their hearts.
Death to Muhammad the Scumfuck. Piss be upon his name. The same goes for his followers.
I just needed to get that off my chest.

Muath al-Kasasbeh, a true martyr. Not for Islam, but for humanity. Peace be upon his name.