They asked for my feedback after a recent purchase that didn’t go 100% smoothly (in allĀ  honesty just as much my fault as theirs), so I gave it to them.


You could make it just a tad bit easier to find an email address or a phone # so I could communicate directly with a human being instead of checking boxes and filling out forms ad infinitum/nauseam.

On a totally different topic, you should have the decency to pay your warehouse employees for the time they are required to stand in line for the checkpoint before they are allowed to leave your facilities and go home. If you are required by the employer to stay on the premises for whatever reason, you should be compensated for your time. Just my opinion.

Word of unsolicited advice: I have been a frequent Amazon shopper for a long time, and for the most part I’m very happy. My very first purchase was Home Book of Picture Framing: 2nd Edition, by Kenn Oberrecht on Sept. 20th, 2000. But in your eagerness to become the biggest in everything on the Internet, don’t forget that you’re dealing with people, both as customers and employees. Surely Jeff has enough personal wealth by now to not have to chase money purely for the sake of making more money. Bigger isn’t always better.


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