The IRS (Internal Revenue Service) harasses and discriminates against groups deemed to be a political annoyance seeking tax exempt status, effectively trying to silence the opposition.
The DoJ (Department of Justice) subpoenaed two months’ worth of phone records involving more than 100 journalists from the AP (Associated Press), effectively trying to control and monitor the press for what one must assume nefarious reasons. Such subpoenas require Attorney General Eric Holder‘s personal sign-off (impeach?).
American “diplomat” and part-time CIA recruiting officer Ryan Fogle arrested in Russia charged with trying to recruit spies for the CIA, effectively re-igniting the cold war.
Angelina Jolie has double preventative mastectomy, effectively losing both boobs.
Wayne Gretsky‘s daughter, Pauline Gretsky, instagrams photo of herself flipping the bird to a puppet of Obama, effectively making an ass of herself.